WTH Walter Thieme Handel GmbH • Beguinenstr.13 • 21682 Stade


1 September 2021
Gero Thieme becomes Managing Director
31 August 2021
Walter Thieme hands over the baton
01. January 2019
Gero Thieme receives power of attorney
Introduction of electronic document management system
08. May 2018
Initial certification of environmental management in accordance with DIN EN ISO 014001:2015 and re-certification of quality management in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001:2015
24. February 2017
25th business anniversary
15. December 2015
Fundamental amendment of the articles of association and increase of the share capital. Gero Thieme becomes a shareholder.
01. January 2015
Start of the digitalisation of the essential company processes, among other through the introduction of new ERP and CRM software.
02. May 2013
Move to the new offices in Stade, Beguinenstr. 13.
01. December 2011
Gero Thieme joins the company
15. July 2011
Issue of the AEO certificate (Authorised Economic Operator)
01. July 2011
Start of in-house production by WTH at contract manufacturer
01. August 2008
1st apprentice (wholesale and foreign trade clerk)
01. December 2005
Move to new offices in Stade, Bremervörder Str. 38
23. January 2003
1st import business (additive: optical brightener) from China.
01. September 2000
Strengthening of the technical competences by employing a chemical engineer.
01. March 2000
Move to new offices in Stade, Hohenwedeler Weg 1
01. January 2000
Changeover of accounting from DM to EUR
30. July 1999
Own homepage on the Internet
22. January 1998
Certification of quality management according to DIN EN ISO 9002
29. October 1992 - 05. November 1992
First participation at the K in Düsseldorf
24. February 1992
Foundation of WTH Walter Thieme Handel GmbH in Stade

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