WTH Walter Thieme Handel GmbH • Beguinenstr.13 • 21682 Stade



“Plastic is a valuable resource”

(mud) – The WTH exhibition team has returned highly satisfied from the “28th Fakuma” in Friedrichshafen to the company’s location in Stade. Participants unanimously praised the high interest of the visitors, the conversations, and above all, the spirit of the international trade fair for plastic processing. Dr. Silke-Nicola Trzaska, head of WTH-Sales Team sums it up: “We were able to talk to many interested parties who were genuinely interested in our products through trustful exchanges. Despite the sometimes challenging economic conditions, we also expect a good post-fair business.”

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Results of Kielce

(mud) – The “Plastpol” trade fair in Kielce, Poland, set an impressive example at the end of May. Even though not quite as many exhibitors and visitors came back after the break caused by the pandemic as in the years before the corona virus, the trade fair was full of a spirit of optimism.

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Always Share Knowledge

(mud) – If you want to work successfully at WTH, you have to be flexible. It can happen that sales employees think along with decisions for the sales area – or vice versa. Everyone is expected to keep up to date with their area of responsibility. Don’t be afraid to “look beyond the horizon”. And: Entrepreneurial thinking is expressly desired for the employees of the Stade company.

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WTH is Looking for Employees

(mud) – Gero Thieme recently placed three job advertisements. The WTH boss is looking for new staff for his trading company in Stade. Basically, “good people” are the best capital he can count on. That is why the job interviews are of great importance for the company boss. What is expected of the three “newcomers” above all is the willingness to constantly develop further – both technically and intellectually.

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Maintenance of Regular Customers

(mud) – It is always the same. Nevertheless, it turns out differently every time: The WTH workforce is in the starting blocks for the next twelve months. It will start off quietly, after all, people elsewhere, for example in China, celebrate the turn of the year later than in this country. But WTH managing director Gero Thieme has carefully worked out the plans for 2022. – The new year can start.

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Made it through …

(mud) – What a year: The global corona pandemic is holding the world in suspense again. The blockage of the Suez Canal by the “Ever Given” in the spring caused horror: In front of and behind the container ship – after all one of the largest in the world – more than 400 ships were stowed. The supply of goods and raw materials is stalling around the globe. The international economy is groaning under the consequences. The WTH in Stade, like all other companies, is eager to see global developments – and can remain reasonably calm even under the leadership of Gero Thieme.

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