WTH Walter Thieme Handel GmbH • Beguinenstr.13 • 21682 Stade



WTH – Stands for Moderation and Balance: Stable, solid, and always attentive

The daily news is overwhelming: Sometimes the demise of the middle class is announced. Then the entire industry is attributed a catastrophe. The messages of doom and gloom don’t cease. According to the media, the economy seems to be on a roller coaster ride.

Sometimes one gets the feeling that it’s already in the midst of a rapid descent – and we, as a medium-sized company, are hopelessly caught in the middle. Is it so? Not at all! While we feel the turbulence too, WTH stands on a stable, fundamentally solid foundation. This also allows me, as managing partner, to sleep calmly and peacefully at night.

We have values on which our business actions are based. We have principles that our mostly long-standing customers rely on. And we have positioned the company in such a way that we can operate with moderation and balance – that’s why our business partners appreciate us.

On one hand, we offer supply security and, on the other hand, pricing with prudence. We ensure that our buyers get what they want, when and how they want it, at reasonable prices. We calculate solidly and do not allow ourselves to be pushed into a “gold rush” by certain temptations.

We conduct our business with attentive expertise, with a steady hand, and always in a way that our counterparts can rely on our word. This is a tradition at WTH – in line with the principles of an honorable Hanseatic merchant. And these are ultimately the reasons why our “company” continues to steer its course even in turbulent waters.

Best regards,
Gero Thieme
WTH Managing Director
