WTH Walter Thieme Handel GmbH • Beguinenstr.13 • 21682 Stade


Success Secret: Supply Security

WTH’s Second Generation

(mud) –  The secret to solid business success was discovered by WTH founder Walter Thieme decades ago. His son Gero, who has been the managing director for the past two years, applies it just as consistently. And indeed, the Lower Saxony mail-order company from Stade has remained successful even during the difficult years of the pandemic. For Walter and Gero Thieme, the secret has a name: supply security.


The key ingredients to the “secret of supply security” are careful perseverance in the market, manufacturer, supplier, and customer friendliness, and a keen sense for market developments – and there you have success.


“Even though it may sound paradoxical,” Walter Thieme chuckles while sharing insights, “you have to deliver exactly what the customer wants at that time with great certainty. And that is true even when others have long been lamenting about ‘delivery problems’.”


Because at that moment, the word that counts is: supply security. WTH achieves it with its own principles: “Through our long-standing and trusting collaboration with all our suppliers, we have always managed to avert ‘trouble’ for our customers in the past.”


This has been achieved through timely and forward-looking inventory disposition and shipping planning. In addition, there is a clever distribution policy for “scarce products.” In any case, trust and reliability among business partners within the supply chain are essential.


No one should be overwhelmed or taken advantage of. On the other hand, in such situations, the circumstances must be communicated openly, trustingly, and honestly. Gero Thieme says, “So if ‘Newspapers’ or ‘TV-News’ are already reporting on it, the time for information exchange between business partners has long passed. There would be no time or opportunity to intervene.”


Always keeping the principle of “supply security” in mind, WTH has successfully overcome all crises and difficult situations, never losing a customer or leaving them “out in the rain.”


Both the former and current management agree: “The key to success lies in the direct, trusting, and personal collaboration with all stakeholders at all levels, including logistics companies, and an all-around open, honest, and realistic exchange of information regarding what is feasible or desirable. This applies to both quantitative aspects (availability of quantities) and commercial aspects (prices).”

