WTH Walter Thieme Handel GmbH • Beguinenstr.13 • 21682 Stade


WTH is Looking for Employees

Human Resources are the Best Capital

(mud) – Gero Thieme recently placed three job advertisements. The WTH boss is looking for new staff for his trading company in Stade. Basically, “good people” are the best capital he can count on. That is why the job interviews are of great importance for the company boss. What is expected of the three “newcomers” above all is the willingness to constantly develop further – both technically and intellectually.

We are currently looking for employees for sales administration, for sales and a commercial employee (all: m/f/d) for general office work such as preparatory document processing for accounting, controlling, internal statistics and more part-time.

Thanks to years of careful preparation and development by Gero Thieme, WTH GmbH has a high degree of digitization. Nevertheless, growth-related personnel adjustments are necessary from time to time – like now.

Company founder Walter Thieme always urged the workforce to have a certain self-image: “Every employee is also a sales employee for us. In this respect, it is necessary that everyone in your area of responsibility must master both technical and commercial aspects and be competent and reliable interlocutors for business partners”. – And that still applies today under the leadership of Gero Thieme.

As a small company, WTH offers great team spirit and the advantages of lean, direct and fast decision-making processes, i.e.: clear hierarchy and specialist and special competencies assigned to people.

The Stade company operates internationally. Intercultural competence and English language skills are required. Thieme: “In addition, a certain ‘suffering ability’ is required, because the initiation of business with industrial business partners at home and abroad can sometimes be lengthy and complicated”.

Most of the WTH employees have been with the company for many years. Many perform staff functions through individually acquired additional qualifications. These include, for example, quality management, environmental management, product ecology, customs clearance/import management or complaints management.

Most of the jobs are on-site positions. In particular, these are management functions and employees in sales administration. Some employees in sales can also work from their home office. – During the current pandemic situation, the majority of the workforce, including sales administration, is working from home. There are only occasional attendance times

What the company management is particularly pleased about: At the end of the training period, all trainees passed the final examinations with good results. Most were taken on as employees after completing their training.
