WTH Walter Thieme Handel GmbH • Beguinenstr.13 • 21682 Stade


WTH annual review of 2021:

Made it through …

(mud) – What a year: The global corona pandemic is holding the world in suspense again. The blockage of the Suez Canal by the “Ever Given” in the spring caused horror: In front of and behind the container ship – after all one of the largest in the world – more than 400 ships were stowed. The supply of goods and raw materials is stalling around the globe. The international economy is groaning under the consequences. The WTH in Stade, like all other companies, is eager to see global developments – and can remain reasonably calm even under the leadership of Gero Thieme.

The best contacts to international business partners have always been an iron rule under company founder Walter Thieme in the past few decades. Now these contacts are paying off as valuable connections for Gero Thieme too. The distant business friends do not let the Stader company down, even in difficult times.

A shortage of many raw materials, bottlenecks in logistics, extremely high international logistics costs, the associated reduced capacities and delays through to delivery failures for a wide variety of reasons – all of this can mess up even stable companies. The company founder: “Being greedy is no solution. Partnership behavior is sustainable and beats both buyers and sellers. ”

Nevertheless, according to its own admission, WTH is getting through the times relatively well, because both domestic and foreign suppliers as well as overseas support WTH within the scope of their possibilities. On top of that, most customers and business partners behave in a very cooperative manner. The typical course of measure and middle as well as transparency and openness, which is typical for WTH, is proving its worth this time too. Despite the adverse general conditions, the management expressly speaks of a “positive business development”.

Even if the obligatory “hundred days” have not even passed since the change of managing director, Gero Thieme has carefully set the course. Immediately after taking a seat in the executive chair, he asked the staff for appraisal interviews.

In it, the employees were given a detailed opportunity to ‘show their colors’ in a confidential setting and to express their wishes and expectations. Individual fears were discussed as well as ideas about personal career planning. – WTH is well positioned for the future.
